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What We Do

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Removal of Billboard Blight

Scenic Chatham Advocates for the removal of Billboard Blight throughout Chatham County. Through public outreach, education, and advocacy we lead Coastal Georgia to a Scenic future!

Removal of Billboard Blight

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Prevent Clear Cutting

Roadside trees and flora should be maintained to keep our area naturally beautiful. Scenic Chatham advocates for the restoration of roadside trees to foster a more beautiful, valuable, and Scenic Coastal Georgia. 

Public Beautification


Our public tax dollars are utilized to build our streets, bridges, and highways. They should be kept beautiful and public right of ways should not succumb to advertising. Scenic Chatham pursues innovative strategies to keep public spaces distinctive and maintain our sense of place.

Preserve Distinctive Communities


Chatham County Georgia is home to some of the most historic and distinctive communities in the United States. Historic Preservation of resources and our architectural heritage is paramount in our fast-paced modern world. 

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